Well Paid Musician


Dylan Galvin

How Dylan Balances Original Artist vs. Cover Performer

July 03, 20240 min read

Dylan Galvin successfully leveraged the ‪Well Paid Musician‬ program to significantly increase his income and reclaim his time. He emphasizes the change in mindset required to run a music career like a business and highlights the importance of managing time between cover performances and original music creation, pointing out that business literacy is crucial for sustaining a successful music career.

Watch the long form interview and take notes 👇

original artistcover performertime valueknow your worth
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Matt Santry

Matt Santry is a performer and educator who's voice has been featured in commercials with top brands like NBC's The Voice, Dollar Shave Club, Febreze, and many more As a performer, Matt stays busy with private events and travels the US to work with high end clients. Founded in 2019, Well Paid Musician is a training program born from the 20+ years of Matt's experience. This program has helped hundreds of musicians from all over the US earn more from performing and break the $100K+ barrier.

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